New direction
Your journey with Ms Renee so far has been a combination of our fantasies – mine and yours.
It has been a great journey, as I got a chance to rejoice in my feminine power and learn a lot about the dynamics of SM play. Over the years, I took many of my regulars quite far, and felt proud of it. I still do. But now there’s more. More that I can give you, more that I can show you. But only if you’re ready.
I know what you’re longing for. I understand that everybody needs an outlet, everybody needs a way to live out their fantasies and obtain some release from this crazy and challenging world. I understand your desire for a hot young woman to play a role that takes you out of your usual identity, but I can see that your release is temporary and that you are left craving more. As I took many of my regulars to extreme levels of pain and humiliation, many kept asking for more and more. It felt as if I’m a drug dealer, who constantly had to deliver higher and higher doses.
This style of domination has grown unsatisfying. I don’t feel that I am giving you what you really need when I agree to this or to last-minute hastily put-together sessions. The same is true of sessions that become dominated by the client’s scripted obsessions. I’d rather conduct sessions that stem from my greater sense of the client’s need and I’m now committed to disregarding my financial interests in favor of achieving that.
As many of you know, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the Eastern world, exploring spirituality and meditation. I’ve understood that sexual and spiritual issues are often linked. I’d like to introduce a more therapeutic, more spiritual approach in connection to BDSM play. Which, ultimately, is what BDSM was meant to be.
We can still play, but I’m changing the rules. And you can either continue to play with me or you can choose to leave, but I’m going to change the play according to my vision. I’d like to see those who are willing to completely surrender. There will be no clear plan for the session – this will allow me to co-create with the moment and be very spontaneous.
I’m willing to play as long as it’s coming from and pointing to something deeper. So if we’re going to play out your fantasy, we’re also going to look at what’s hidden in it. I like to invite you to a deeper subspace, accessing the edge of your vulnerability. I’m willing to go to the root of your longing, instead of continuing to feed your sex fantasy on a surface level.
This play is going to be along the lines of what really has a core value in it. So I’m asking each and everyone of you to take a look, really deeply… what is it what you actually want of this, what nourishes your deepest need, your deepest calling, in this exchange that we have. I’m asking you to take a deeper look at what in you is that longing to be filled? I have no doubt that these questions are closely related to your kink and therefore invite you to inquire within for the answers.
If you’d like to see me, that means that you mu
st be willing to surrender completely. I’m a Goddess and you must trust that you’ll be taken to the right place.
Here are the important additions to the existing rules:
- No more topping from the bottom in any form
- No scripts
- No shopping attitude, where the sub thinks that he is in control because he is paying (“I’ll be getting this or that, otherwise I’m not getting my money’s worth” or “I pay for your services so let me choose from the menu, may be a bit of this, and a bit of that, I’m curious to try this too… “)
- No last minute appointments – I need time to get myself into the right space for you
- No heavy/edge play, as my priorities are now different
- No cigarette play, as I don’t smoke at all these days
- My clips store is now closed, I won’t be filming any more videos (unless I get inspired in the future, but it won’t be the same as before)
- If you want to submit, send me a proper letter where you explain why I should accept you. It must be a letter from the subspace, begging for submission, briefly explaining your fantasy. It must be written in a humble, sincere and respectful manner. There must be a feeling of intention to submit completely, otherwise I won’t bother accepting you. I’ll choose only humble ones and those willing to surrender and explore their fantasies.
I suggest you take a deeper look into yourself and decide whether all I presented above resonates with you.
I’m looking forward to this new chapter.